Associate Professor Emma Aisbett
School of Law and Associate Director (Research) Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge, Australian National University
International Trade And Investment Law, International investment governance, Political economy of trade policy, International political economy, International Economics, Public Economics Public Choice, Environment And Resource Economics, Trade-related climate policy, International Green Industrial Policy, and Panel Data Analysis.
Emeritus Professor Kym Anderson AC
School of Economics, University of Adelaide
International trade and development economics, and the economics of agriculture, food and wine.
Professor Sajid Anwar
University of the Sunshine Coast
International trade and trade policy
Associate Professor Sobhan (Sean) Arisian
La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University
Applied operations with a special interest in modeling and practical logistics and supply chain problems, security and resiliency at the global supply chain/international trade interface, transformative digital supply chain strategies.
Professor Shiro Armstrong
Australian National University
Japan economic policy, international trade, free trade agreements.
Professor Vivienne Bath
University of Sydney
Chinese law, international trade and investment, international commercial transactions.
Ms Raffaella Belloni - Associate Lecturer
University of the Sunshine Coast
Labour economics, international trade, and macroeconomics.
Professor Jeffrey H Bergstrand
University of Notre Dame
Determinants of international trade flows and of bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) and quantitative measurement of partial and general equilibrium effects of economic integration agreements on trade flows and bilateral FDI.
Professor Helen Cabalu
Curtin University
International trade policy, particularly ASEAN and developing countries in the light of changing World Trade Organisation deliberations, competition policy at the national and international levels, resource economics with major international economics component, macroeconomic policy of economies in East Asia and Australia
Mr Dominic Carbone
University of Adelaide
Legal Aspects of International Business
Professor Anthony E Cassimatis AM
University of Queensland
International law, administrative law and public law generally.
Dr Ivana Damjanovic
Australian National University & University of Canberra
International investment law; EU trade and investment law and policy.
Dr Cecilia Das
Edith Cowan University
Innovation systems, employment and labour practices and corporate governance.
Associate Professor Felicity Deane
Queensland University of Technology
Issues where economics and the law intersect, World Trade Organization law and international trade law and practice, and the impact of trade rules on climate change market based instruments.
Professor Peter Draper
Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide
International trade policy, World Trade Organisation agreements and negotiations, FTAs, EU Trade Policy, developing countries.
Associate Professor Jiangang Fei
University of Tasmania
International logistics, supply chains and maritime freight.
Dr Nicholas Frank
Australian National University
The political economy of trade and investment governance using formal theory, econometrics, inferential network approaches, and text-as-data techniques
Dr Umair Ghori, Associate Professor
Faculty of Law, Bond University
International trade and investment laws
Institute for International Trade
The University of Adelaide
The Institute for International Trade brings together leading academics, experienced trade practitioners and negotiators to address key challenges faced by businesses and governments seeking to expand trade and investment opportunities across the globe.
Dr Wei Li
The University of Sydney Business School
Australia China trade and investment relations.
Dr Naoise McDonagh
School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University
Politics and international trade; geopolitics and international business; foreign direct investment screening and national security; economic sanctions and business risk; China and the world economy.
Professor Andrew Mitchell
Faculty of Law, Monash University
International Economic Law, International Law, Public international law, International trade law, International investment law, Digital trade
Dr James Munro
WTO and University of Queensland
Trade Remedies; Carbon pricing and international trade/investment rules; Trade and environment
Professor Luke Nottage
Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
International investment (treaties and arbitration), corruption, consumer protection, corporate governance – especially ASEAN and Japan
Professor Colin Picker
University of Wollongong
International Economic Law, Comparative Law
Professor Richard Pomfret
Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide
International trade, international economics, and economic development.
Associate Professor Evgeny Postnikov
School of Social and Political Studies, The University of Melbourne
International political economy and politics of trade, European Union politics and external relations.
Associate Professor Esmé Shirlow
Australian National University
International investment law and arbitration; public international law; international dispute settlement
Professor Lisa Toohey
University of New South Wales
International trade law, trade disputes, traceability and trade, trade and geopolitics.
Professor Markus Wagner
Faculty of Business and Law, School of Law, University of Woolongong
International economic law, international trade law, international investment law, public international law, international health law, food security and food safety.
Associate Professor Robert Waschik
Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University
Computable general equilibrium modelling; international trade theory and policy
Professor David Widdowson AM
Charles Sturt University
Trade facilitation; regulatory compliance management; risk management; supply chain security
Dr Genevieve Wilkinson
University of Technology Sydney
International IP Law
Dr Ping Xiong
University of South Australia
International economic law and focus on international protection of intellectual property
Associate Professor Weihuan Zhou
UNSW Law & Justice, China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre
International economic law, World Trade Organization law, customs law especially trade remedies, free trade agreements, Chinese commercial law, China’s regulation of international trade and investment, and China’s integration into the international and regional economic order.