Bringing the WTO Joint Initiative on E-commerce Over the Finishing Line WEBINAR RECORDING
July 17, 2024
Brought to you by the Swiss-based Council on Economic Policies, this webinar provides a great read out on the state of play in concluding the negotiations on the Joint Initiative on E-Commerce. Panelists discuss the benefits of the agreement, remaining gaps, and the role of the WTO in governing digital services trade, cross-border data flows and international aspects of competition in the artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled digital platform economy.
Speakers: - Gerbera Choo, Singapore Delegation to the WTO
Pascal Kerneis, European Services Forum
Javier Lopez-Gonzalez, OECD
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Council on Economic Policies
Drake-Brockman, Australian Services Roundtable (Moderator)
You can watch it HERE.
Find out more about the Joint Initiative on E-Commerce here.